Glòria Ñaco del Hoyo

Bachelor’s degree in the History of Art from theUniversityofGirona(1997). Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage and Museums from theUniversityofGirona Foundation(2000). Since 2001, she has held the position of specialist in education and cultural action at theFishingMuseum(Palamós Town Council). 

As head of this area, she coordinates educational, dissemination and cultural activities, temporary exhibitions and communication programmes for the Fishing Museum and the Espai del Peix (an interpretation centre and classroom on fish and gastronomy). She was involved in the design and management of the Espai del Peix, under the leadership of the management team at the Fishing Museum and the Maritime Studies Chair, and she is a member of the technical team that created the proposal for the museum and the activities.

She contributes as a technician to the Municipal Heritage Service of Palamós, a consultative body for Palamós Town Council that has been responsible for the application of the town’s Catalogue of Heritage since its creation in 2004.
She has taught on symposiums and courses such as the Museum Management Specialization Course run by the Fundació d’Estudis Superiors d’Olot in 2009, and courses organized by the Government of Catalonia (Directorate-General for Fishing and Maritime Affairs) for professional fishermen on the subject of fishing tourism, from the perspective of interpretation of heritage. These courses ran from January to June2013 in five fishermen’s guilds on the Catalan coast.

Ñaco, G. i Torres, N. (2003) El Museu de la Pesca, Antena de l’Observatori per a la recerca etnològica a Catalunya. Les activitatsd’acció cultural: un exempled’interpretació del patrimoni. I Jornada d’Etnologia a la Costa Brava.L’EMPREMPTA. Recerca etnològica i interpretació del patrimoni en un entornturístic.
Ñaco, G. El port de Palamós: un diàlegobert entre el turisme i el patrimonimarítim. En El turisme i el mar. El patrimonimarítim i elsnousturismes. Joan L. Alegret ed. IV Jornades de marina tradicional. Promediterrània 2004. Ajuntament de Palamós. 2005