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Museus d'avui. Els nous museus de societat (2010)

Author: Gabriel Alcalde, Jusèp Boya, Xavier Roigé (eds.)
Edition: Girona, ICRPC, Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural
Collecction: ICRPC LLIBRES 3
Number of pages: 195
ISBN: 978-84-9984-087-1
Dipòsit legal: GI-1.576-2010

At the dawn of the century, museums of society seem to be reborn, with projects that are generating a new museum scene. The new vision, inspired by the Canadian model, is an interdisciplinary perspective on societies in which the same concepts "society" or "civilization" print a new discourse that aims to reflect the museum on the major challenges facing society today, such as multiculturalism, identities or the complexity of today's world. This book reveals some of society's most prestigious museums in the world and analyze the major issues they face.


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